My creative process begins with repetition, a song___ feeling___ question __
or prompt__ I am unable to get out of my mind and body. So I play it, creating a portal into
the world that I'm being called to create.
Sometimes it can be really helpful having ADHD, because this visual mind of
mine has lead me deep into a pool of purpose. It has inspired me to write
For as long as I can remember, I have been able to visualize with deep
specificity. I can see movement the same way, you might be able to visualize
the details in a book. That is really how it starts, the initial visualization met
with repetition, research, and spiritual connection.
Many of my creations are informed by my relationship with the elements. If you
look closely enough I'm certain you'll be able to notice. Life's endless interconnectedness
is what I find myself gravitating towards. Cycles. Life's Cycles. Cycles of my life I desire liberation from, passed down and presently created.
There is undoubtably more that I need to say, things I want you all to feel when viewing and experiencing my work. So you'll have to read the next post to hear about it !